Dear Lou Dobbs,
After recently contacting you and informing you of LULAC and the American GI Forum's initiative to free the two border patrol agents I received this email from the National LULAC. We believe it is out of an attempt to gain notoriety by rerouting the press through the National Organization or it is an attempt to quash. Please read the email below.
Subject: Border Patrol Issue
Dear Board Members,
Today our National Board met via a conference call regarding the resolution which was passed at our State Board meeting this past weekend. The resolution referenced our position regarding two Border Patrol Officers. As you recall, we do not endorse thier actions but mainly question the serverity of the punishment and asked for a pardon.
After much discussion it was voted by the National Board to enforce a "gag order" on all members of the organization, not only our Texas LULAC members, regarding speaking to the media on this issue. If a member of the media calls you please refer them to the National Office.
Please do not feel that our efforts were in vain because part of the end result is now that the National Office is going to move on looking into this type of sentencing with our Legislators in Washington. The smallest victory in the midst of a defeat, no matter how small, is still a victory. Hold you heads up high as proud Texas LULAC members and know that we did the right thing.
Please make sure that all of the councils in your district abide by our National Board's decision and let us now move on to other issues that effect Texas.
Thank you again for all of your continued support.
Roger C. Rocha, Jr.
State Director - Texas LULAC
The LULAC Founding Chapter remains dedicated to this cause regardless of gag orders censorship or threats. The American GI Forum remains unwavering.
From: Jaime Kenedeno []
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:34 AM
Subject: Fwd: [GI Forum National Report] National LULAC issues "gag order" on local LULAC C...
Good Luck shutting South Texas up. I already told Lou Dobbs LULAC supports the Compean & Ramos. The cover up will not continue. The way I was brought up; when you give a man your word you better damn well keep it. The American GI Forum will stand alone if need be.
On 2/24/07, Brent Wilkes <> wrote:
Are you saying the GI Forum believes there should be no repercussions for law enforcement who shoot unarmed suspects in the back and then attempt to cover up what they did?
Brent A. Wilkes
National Executive Director
League of United Latin American Citizens
2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610
Washington , DC 20036
Dear Lou Dobbs,
Why are these guys against us Lou?
Do they want the credit or do they want
Jaime Kenedeno
to BWilkes, RosaRosales, Rocha_roger,
First of all this "unarmed suspect" was in a physical altercation with the Agents. The chain of custody with the ballistics is compromised. Aldrete is a known drug trafficker and there is the testimony of who; saying he was unarmed? If you think this guy is unarmed, surely he is trustworthy enough to work for you? Why not hire him while he is still innocent Brent? A Golden Elite Pass who gets that kind of latitude and for Aldrete he abandoned another vehicle full of dope while enjoying the above the law benefits of passing through check points unchecked. Aldrete is not an American nor is he a Mexican National coming to America in search of work, he does not possess the rights of a US Citizen nor does he respect the rights of other American Citizens nor does he respect our laws. Maybe if the shooter on the Mountain would have aimed for the head the DHS wouldn't be in cover up mode and pawning lower ranking law enforcement to save their own a$$. Wasn't he shot in the ass, as he was running for the refuge of the Rio Bravo; because he just got caught with a load of dope as the DHS agent watched with binoculars. I wonder what his interest was in Aldrete? Do some homework Brent. And nobody believes in shooting unarmed suspects in the back but we do believe this sends a wrong message to our law enforcement on the front line and we do believe it is not the message we want to send to our youth aspiring to become law enforcement officers. We support our law enforcement in situations as this one involving a known drug trafficker and we support a full investigation into the cover up by the DHS. Tell me the DHS Agent's name and how he is tied to Aldrete the drug trafficker?
Dear Brent and Distinguished Readers,
Prior to the Press Release we researched these events and even had the DOJ Representative on Talk Radio. The prosecutions story is based on the DHS field investigation conducted predominantly by a single agent who has signifigant ties to the drug dealer Aldrete. Aldrete was in our country, disrespecting our laws and our citizens. I believe the readers can decide for themselves. When a report is issued to congress redacting the DHS Agents name to me is an obvious red flag. Also these two border patrol agents are not the only law enforcement agents that Sutton has prosecuted. This other prosecution is mentioned in detail in a previous email. In my eyes it is better ten guilty go free than 1 innocent human being be convicted. Aldrete is a drug trafficker and we believe he was armed and the prosecution has withheld exculpatory evidence as well as a botched field investigation / cover-up by DHS agents connected to the drug trafficker Aldrete. Please inform me if the you do not receive the attachments.
Jaime Kenedeno
361 510 6406
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brent Wilkes <>
Date: Feb 24, 2007 7:20 PM
Subject: RE: FW: Email Sutton Statements to Kenedeno
To: Jaime Kenedeno < >
I did not get the attachments you mentioned.
Brent A. Wilkes
National Executive Director
League of United Latin American Citizens
From: Jaime Kenedeno []
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Email Sutton Statements to Kenedeno
Dear Brent and Distinguished Readers,
Prior to the Press Release we researched these events and even had the DOJ Representative on Talk Radio. The prosecutions story is based on the DHS field investigation conducted predominantly by a single agent who has signifigant ties to the drug dealer Aldrete. Aldrete was in our country, disrespecting our laws and our citizens. I believe the readers can decide for themselves. When a report is issued to congress redacting the DHS Agents name to me is an obvious red flag. Also these two border patrol agents are not the only law enforcement agents that Sutton has prosecuted. This other prosecution is mentioned in detail in a previous email. In my eyes it is better ten guilty go free than 1 innocent human being be convicted. Aldrete is a drug trafficker and we believe he was armed and the prosecution has withheld exculpatory evidence as well as a botched field investigation / cover-up by DHS agents connected to the drug trafficker Aldrete. Please inform me if the you do not receive the attachments.
Jaime Kenedeno
On 2/24/07, Brent Wilkes <> wrote:
Brent A. Wilkes
National Executive Director
League of United Latin American Citizens
From: Ray Mancera [mailto:]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 1:25 PM
To: Brent A Wilkes
Cc: Rosa Rosales
Subject: Email Sutton Statements to Kenedeno
Please email to Kenedeno the two statements issued by Sutton. You may be surprised he may have never read them and has been reacting to media reports only. But do challenge him to post the statements to ALL his readers (not be selective) since he is so eager to post our internal communications. This way we use him to disseminate Sutton's story and let his readers come to their own conclusions. I live in El Paso and have followed this case closely but did not know the facts of the case if were not that you forwarded Sutton's statements two days ago!!
Ray Mancera
Kenedeno & Associates
Kenedeno & Associates
2 attachments — Download all attachments
Prosecution Stmt by Sutton re Compean and Ramos Jan 2007-1.pdf
25K View as HTML Download
Conviction Stmt by Sutton re Compean and Ramos Aug 2006-1.pdf
278K View as HTML Download
Jaime Kenedeno
to BWilkes, RosaRosales, Rocha_roger,
First of all this "unarmed suspect" was in a physical altercation with the Agents. The chain of custody with the ballistics is compromised. Aldrete is a known drug trafficker and there is the testimony of who; saying he was unarmed? If you think this guy is unarmed, surely he is trustworthy enough to work for you? Why not hire him while he is still innocent Brent? A Golden Elite Pass who gets that kind of latitude and for Aldrete he abandoned another vehicle full of dope while enjoying the above the law benefits of passing through check points unchecked. Aldrete is not an American nor is he a Mexican National coming to America in search of work, he does not possess the rights of a US Citizen nor does he respect the rights of other American Citizens nor does he respect our laws. Maybe if the shooter on the Mountain would have aimed for the head the DHS wouldn't be in cover up mode and pawning lower ranking law enforcement to save their own a$$. Wasn't he shot in the ass, as he was running for the refuge of the Rio Bravo; because he just got caught with a load of dope as the DHS agent watched with binoculars. I wonder what his interest was in Aldrete? Do some homework Brent. And nobody believes in shooting unarmed suspects in the back but we do believe this sends a wrong message to our law enforcement on the front line and we do believe it is not the message we want to send to our youth aspiring to become law enforcement officers. We support our law enforcement in situations as this one involving a known drug trafficker and we support a full investigation into the cover up by the DHS. Tell me the DHS Agent's name and how he is tied to Aldrete the drug trafficker?
Thank You, and now let us finish the JOB we started.---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeno <>
Date: Feb 21, 2007 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: What happened??? & Is that the way it's gonna be???
To: , "" <>
Cc:,, "Dr. Nick Adame" <>,
The Little Red Hen
In the tale, the little red hen finds a grain of wheat, and asks for help from the other farmyard animals to plant it. No one is willing to help. W hen the wheat matures, she asks for help to harvest it, then thresh it, then mill it, and bake the flour into bread. At each stage she gets no volunteers. Finally she asks who will help her eat the bread. All the previous non-participants eagerly volunteer, but she declines their help and eats it with her chicks, leaving none for others.
Maybe over the years this has been the norm?
Now, there is great effort and work being put forth and we are engaging, putting ourselves on the front line. Come, join us with your ideas; but have an open mind for our ideas as well, We do not always agree, but that does not make us enemies. Let us all try to express ourselves more positively than negatively; if at all possible.
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to share this with everyone. The resolution we passed regarding the two Border Patrol Officers made Lou Dobbs and now it appears CNN wants to speak with us. Pretty cool. Kudos go out toe Elvia and Xavier on this.
Please read below.
Per the call from CNN yesterday, information below from CNN Lou Dobbs Show mentioning LULAC Texas resolution. Reporter still wanting information as to why LULAC Texas has decided to take this position.
"Still ahead here, charges tonight that prosecutors withheld key evidence in the trial of two former Border Patrol agents sent to prison.
We'll have that special report.
And Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, well, he's praising efforts to build a fence along our southern border with Mexico. Our border, however, is wide open to illegal aliens, to terrorists, to drug smugglers.
We'll have that story.
And the war on our middle class, it's escalating. New government figures tonight illustrate the worsening plight of working men and women in this country.
That special report and a great deal more all coming up here next.
Stay with us.
DOBBS: Important new developments tonight in the case of imprisoned former Border Patrol agents Compean and Ramos. Both sentenced to lengthy prison terms for shooting and wounding an illegal alien drug smuggler whom the prosecutors then gave immunity to testify against the agents. One of the defense attorneys now says government prosecutors failed to disclose a key document during that trial. A document that could have undermined the government's entire case.
Casey Wian has the story.
CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): At the heart of the prosecution's case against former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean was the alleged cover-up of the shooting of a Mexican illegal alien drug smuggler. Now the online publication WorldNetDaily reports the existence of a Homeland Security Department document suggesting two Border Patrol supervisors were at scene and knew about the shooting.
That's consistent with the agents' statements that they did not report the shooting because they believed supervisors already knew about it. The attorney for Ignacio Ramos says prosecutors never disclosed the existence of the documents, which could be grounds for a new trial.
MARY STILLINGER, ATTORNEY FOR IGNACIO RAMOS: The government is really charged with a higher responsibility than just winning a case. The government is charged with seeking justice in trying to do the right thing.
So they can't hold back on evidence just because it's helpful to the defense. And, if fact, they have an obligation to turn that over.
WIAN: The document lists the names of Border Patrol agents and supervisors who were at the scene. It also says, "Investigation disclosed that none of the above agents reported the shooting or the subsequent cover-up."
REP. TED POE (R), TEXAS: The more that comes out about this case, the more it seems that the prosecution was relentless in making sure these border agents were convicted. And this is just another example of another piece of evidence that the defense should have known about, the jury should have known about during the trial to make their determination on whether these border agents even violated the law or not.
WIAN: U.S. attorney Johnny Sutton did not return calls seeking comment on the new evidence and other documents raising questions about his decision to prosecute the agents and grant immunity to an admitted drug smuggler.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think our police officers, our law enforcement have been undermined. WIAN: Meanwhile, Ramos and Compean supporters are raising money to buy air time for these television ads demanding the White House pardon the former agents.
WIAN: Finally, the Texas branch of the Latino advocacy group LULAC has drafted a resolution supporting a pardon for Ramos and Compean. LULAC says it believes the 11 and 12-year sentences were too harsh -- Lou.
DOBBS: Well, it's what now, four months since the sentencing? LULAC taking this stand. I have to give them credit.
They have been absolutely absent in this case despite the fact that both of these agents are Hispanic-Americans. Did they have any indication as to why they were joining in this now?
WIAN: No, they did not. We asked them for further clarification, more information about -- about this position they've taken. They didn't give it to us. We're still hoping we'll get it soon.
What we did find out, though, there's a couple of other leading Latino advocacy groups. MALDEF and the National Council of La Raza still are refusing to take up position on this issue -- Lou.
DOBBS: One would think to their great shame.
Thank you very much.
Casey Wian from Los Angeles.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeno <>
Date: Feb 18, 2007 9:53 PM
Subject: Dear Lou Dobbs,
To: , "" <>
Dear Lou Dobbs,
Last week LULAC & the American GI Forum held a Press Conference regarding the recent Border Patrol injustice.
Many of the DHS investigative reports were filed by Christopher Sanchez, who appears to have played a major role in the DHS field investigation. Sanchez appears to be playing a role shepherding the drug dealer around and framing the evidence that ended up being used by Johnny Sutton to put Ramos and Compean in prison for 11 and 12 years respectively." This cover up has raised Red Flags and revealed Conflicts of Interest involving DHS Agent Chris Sanchez and the wrongful Imprisonment of BP Agents Ramos & Compean.
Now, the local media after attending the press conference and conducting in depth interviews with the LULAC and AGIF officials refuse to broadcast anything involving this issue.
We believe there is an attempt to quash this story and the effort to bring forth justice for these two men.
We are willing to appear on your show or do what is necessary to achieve Justice for these men. We ask for your assistance in bypassing the local media entities so we might bring justice for the agents.
One of the Media Present was Jaime Powell who was the only media contact when the Cheney Whittington incident was released. We feel there is a govt censorship in place on this issue. Once again we request your assistance.
Anton S Haley (Human Rights Advocate)
date Feb 15, 2007 5:27 PM
subject Press Conference
Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE to all media entities and politicos
Joe A Ortiz, American GI Forum (Richard Rocco Chapter), (361) 510-6406,
Dr. Nick Adame, League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC #1 (Founding Chapter),
(361) 658-6982,
DATE: Friday, February 16, 2007
The American GI Forum (Richard Rocco Chapter) and the League of United Latin America Citizens (Founding Chapter) is holding a press conference.
WHERE: 1417 Horne Road @ Meeting Center
WHEN: Friday February 16, 2007, 1:30 PM
The recent Border Patrol Shooting and subsequent Investigation has raised Red Flags and revealed Conflicts of Interest.
All media entities and politicos are urged to attend. This is sure to effect the Presidential election and debates. The position of LULAC & the American GI Forum is based on extensive research into the incendiary event. The floodgates of controversy remain open with little effect on our Executive Branch and it's Presidential ability to Pardon in the interest of Justice.
Press Release Courtesy of Kenedeno & Associates
Border Betrayal
If you would like to contribute to the former Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean fund, please send your donation to:
Border Patrol Agents Legal Defense and Relief Fund, P.O. Box 47208, Tampa, Florida 33647
• To read the National Border Patrol Council's rebuttal to the U.S. Attorney's office in the case against Ramos and Compean, please visit their Web site:National Border Patrol Council rebuttal
• You can also contact the White House:
or call 202-456-1111.
• Or you can send an e-mail to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales: -us.html
or call 202-514-2001.
Well it is clear not one of you out of a few thousand have went against supporting the Border Patrol Pardon.
Where is the Support from the National LULAC Members and the National AGIF Members?
Power of the Pen Bothers and Sisters.
Use it or lose it
lest cast a blind eye"Aldrete-Davila was issued what amounts to a 'Gold Elite' border pass," Andy Ramirez, chairman of the Friends of the Border Patrol, told WND. "With the stamp for multiple entries into the United States, Aldrete-Davila didn't have to run the back roads as a drug smuggler any more. He could tell his drug bosses in Mexico that he could drive their loads right through border crossing points without much worry."
See full story below
And even blind eyes get poked out.
And the Media or lack of media (I mean)?
Any of you guys heard what Lou Dobbs has been saying lately?
I understand, soon he is going to start mentioning you guys by name.![]()
Border-agent investigator had tie to smuggler
Played major role in Ramos-Compean case but name blacked out in report
Posted: February 9, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
According to official documents in WND's possession, a Department of Homeland Security agent played a major role in managing the drug smuggler and conducting the field investigation in the incident that landed Border Patrol officers Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean in federal prison for more than a decade.
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.comYet, in the heavily redacted 77-page DHS report submitted to Congress Wednesday there is no explicit discussion of the role DHS Special Agent Christopher Sanchez played in the case.
Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, yesterday called for the resignation of four DHS investigators, including Assistant Inspector General Elizabeth Redman, after DHS Inspector General Richard Skinner testified under oath his deputies had lied to Congress about non-existent reports that were supposed to have established Ramos and Compean as rogue cops who wanted to "shoot some Mexicans."
(Story continues below)
Osbaldo Aldrete-DavilaWND has obtained a copy of the government-issued border pass given to Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, the drug smuggler granted immunity to testify against Ramos and Compean. The border pass allowed multiple entries to the U.S. and carried the signature and badge number of Sanchez.
The border pass appears to have been issued March 16, 2005, the day Sanchez brought Aldrete-Davila to William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas, to have a bullet removed from his right thigh.
"Aldrete-Davila was issued what amounts to a 'Gold Elite' border pass," Andy Ramirez, chairman of the Friends of the Border Patrol, told WND. "With the stamp for multiple entries into the United States, Aldrete-Davila didn't have to run the back roads as a drug smuggler any more. He could tell his drug bosses in Mexico that he could drive their loads right through border crossing points without much worry."
WND previously reported Aldrete-Davila was implicated in a second drug bust in October 2005, subsequent to the Feb. 17, 2005 incident with Ramos and Compean in which he abandoned a 1989 Ford Econoline containing 743 pounds of marijuana driven across the border from Mexico.
"With that border pass, Aldrete-Davila had the green light," Ramirez told WND. "He might have been indicted if the vehicle he drove in October 2005 with 1,000 pounds of dope was identified back to a border-crossing photograph, but he probably never had to be arrested."
The prosecutor of Ramos and Compean, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, has told WND that Aldrete-Davila was never arrested a second time for a drug offense in October 2005, but Sutton has never denied the smuggler was indicted for such an offense.
Medical records obtained by WND clearly establish the bullet wounds suffered by Aldrete-Davila involved a lateral wound to the left buttocks, not a "shot in the back" as repeatedly claimed by Sutton.
The medical records document that March 16, 2005, Dr. Winston Marne removed a large bullet fragment from Aldrete-Davila's right thigh. The records indicate bullet fragments were found in Aldrete-Davila's pelvis but not removed. The path of the bullet is clearly described as entering in the left side of the left buttocks, traversing the groin area, and lodging in the right thigh.
The records also indicate reconstructive surgery was performed on Aldrete-Davila the same day at the army hospital. Damage to the urethra required a catheter to be inserted. Aldrete-Davila was placed under anesthetics for the operation and was heavily sedated for pain.
The drug smuggler was released from the army hospital the same day and given to the protective custody of Sanchez, who also took with him the bullet fragment removed from Aldrete-Davila's thigh.
WND has learned Aldrete-Davila spent the night of March 16, 2005, at the home of Sanchez.
"Christopher Sanchez shows up again with the shell fragments from Aldrete-Davila's body," Ramirez pointed out to WND. "Sanchez was evidently Aldrete-Davila's handler and from the looks of it, he did a good job. Taking that bullet home broke the chain of evidence. From there on, what good would a report be even if it established the bullet was fired from Ramos' gun?"
WND previously reported that the weapons identifications ballistics analysis performed by the Texas Department of Public Safety on the bullet fragment held by Sanchez did not match the bullet to the weapons fired Feb. 17, 2005 by Ramos or Compean.
March 16, 2005, was also the date "Osvaldo" Aldrete-Davila signed and accepted his offer of immunity from Sutton's office, supposedly signed before the medical operation was performed and the border pass issued. There is no time stamp noted on the immunity document nor mention of the location where the document was signed.
WND has previously reported Special Agent Sanchez's role in learning about the identity of Aldrete-Davila from Border Patrol Agent Rene Sanchez in Wilcox, Arizona. Aldrete-Davila and Rene Sanchez grew up together in Mexico and the drug dealer's identity was first discovered through these family connections.
WND repeatedly has noted many of the DHS investigative reports were filed by Sanchez, who appears to have played a major role in the DHS field investigation.
"There was no reason to have redacted Christopher Sanchez's name from the report," Ramirez told WND. "Sanchez was a DHS special agent. But everywhere you look, Sanchez shows up playing a role shepherding the drug dealer around and framing the evidence that ended up being used by Johnny Sutton to put Ramos and Compean in prison for 11 and 12 years respectively."
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Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE to all media entities and politicos
Joe A Ortiz, American GI Forum (Richard Rocco Chapter), (361) 510-6406,
Dr. Nick Adame, League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC #1 (Founding Chapter),
(361) 658-6982,
DATE: Friday, February 16, 2007
The American GI Forum (Richard Rocco Chapter) and the League of United Latin America Citizens (Founding Chapter) is holding a press conference.
WHERE: 1417 Horne Road @ Meeting Center
WHEN: Friday February 16, 2007, 1:30 PM
The recent Border Patrol Shooting and subsequent Investigation has raised Red Flags and revealed Conflicts of Interest.
All media entities and politicos are urged to attend. This is sure to effect the Presidential election and debates. The position of LULAC & the American GI Forum is based on extensive research into the incendiary event. The floodgates of controversy remain open with little effect on our Executive Branch and it's Presidential ability to Pardon in the interest of Justice.
Press Release Courtesy of Kenedeno & Associates
Kenedeno & Associates
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