Feel The Byte

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Didn't we build the arena for all the citizens of Corpus Christi? Apparently not!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Didn't we build the arena for all the citizens of Corpus Christi? Apparently not!

af2 team pathetic copy cats

Hmpf Toldyouso - 09:51pm Dec 13, 2006 Central

I heard a rumor that they're gonna call the new af2 team here in Corpus Christi the "sharks". Either they have NO imaginations; are pathetically copycatting off the Hammerheads; or this is a sleazy marketing idea, hoping that the uninformed with believe this team might still have an association with the Hammerheads and will buy tickets from them anyway. Either way it shows that their statement is loud and clear, they mean to steal the territory and capitalize on all the hard work that the Dittman family has done building the IFL out of thin air. Another hardworking LOCAL family business pushed aside with the overwhelming help of Mark Scott and the rest on the city council, via SMG management and the sleazy Marc Solis. SMG and Marc Solis have ousted the Hammerheads, The Shriners Circus, tradeshows and other groups who had been regular PAYING customers of the Coliseum and refused to help accomodate the Kiwanis Golden Gloves and other non-profit groups that couldn't afford his rates. He won't even give you the time of day if he knows you don't have money. It makes you wonder why we had the Center built because it certainly wasn't for the people of Corpus Christi.

When SMG has made all the money they can off of our city and the ABCenter is run down like the coliseum became they will skip off into the sunset laughing at us.

Thank god for the good sensible, customer friendly arena in Robstown. At the rate LOCALLY run events are moving over there I bet the possibility of them getting the Ice Rayz and the A&M sports programs should be pretty strong. Support the new Robstown arena and all their LOCAL events. Remember when you buy a ticket from the real Corpus Christi Hammerheads that money stays HERE in our local economy, the players and employees and the owners all live HERE. The money made here stays here! Support Golden Gloves in Robstown this February!

Shame on Mark Scott, dog poo on Marc Solis! Only national acts and entities matter to them. Money t

Hmpf Toldyouso - 09:52pm Dec 13, 2006 Central (#1 of 1) Reply

...Money that does NOT stay here. Didn't we build the arena for all the citizens of Corpus Christi? Apparently not!


Monday, December 25, 2006

Del Mar President Should Step Down

Should step down

We know that Del Mar College President Carlos Garcia is responsible to the Board of Regents. However, President Garcia should be more responsible to the public. His actions are compromising education at Del Mar.

Del Mar President Garcia should relinquish his position until the present investigation is completed.

The board is doing a disservice to the public by keeping Del Mar President Garcia as president while there is a cloud of suspicion and his integrity is being questioned and investigated.

Joe Ortiz

(Civil Rights Director,

National GI Forum)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Fwd: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Thank You for the 3 Minutes Guys.

Jaime Kenedeño <kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com> wrote:
From: Jaime Kenedeño <kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com>
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@yahoo.com
Subject: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Thank You for the 3 Minutes Guys.
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 01:49:36 -0800 (PST)

American GI Forum of the United States

Richard Rocco Chapter
Kenedeno & Associates
Public Policy Advocates
Anton S Haley
4910 Lavaca
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
(361) 851-2851 (361) 658-3015

December 19, 2006
Chris Adler, President
Del Mar College Board of Regents
Dear Madame President and Distinguished Board Members:
· Initially, the SGA investigation and the SGA final report was deficient, was the investigation inept or were facts withheld from the Regents?
· How long were the SGA sex issues and the SGA investigation report intended to remain secret from the Regents? How long was it a secret?
· Fact: DMC Upper Echelon Employees were in attendance; was it a primary motivating factor to cover up? Was it a factor?
· In our research, we find Jose Rivera as the investigator.
· Is it true Ms Cox had no involvement in the SGA investigation? Signature?
· Other than the students, has there been any one else held accountable.
· The Regents are accountable
· The President is accountable.
· DMC Employees who were in attendance (@SGA Event) must be held accountable
· The investigator and the alliances that conspired to withhold this knowledge from the Regents and the Community must be held accountable.
· The expulsion of a single female student (when it takes at least two to tango) must be addressed.
· Did the expulsion of this student prevent her grievance process from continuing?
· There are rumors of Settlements & Nuisance Settlements, why would the College pay just to make a false claim go away. These settlements are admissions of _____________?
· Censorship only cuts off lines of problem solving. I am not affiliated with any DMC Employees nor am I connected to Shari Parker as has been alleged. I respectfully request acknowledgement of the public’s right to inform DMCall on the current events and issues involving DMC via the Public Email System and to engage the ideas and solutions from within. Is the choice to censor because, the facts are unfavorable to one’s side.
· I request under the FOIA access to the Baker / Botts Report.
· I request under the FOIA access to the Waters Report.
· I am asking the Regents to submit a formal request to the Austin District Attorney for an independent investigation per Texas Ranger’s inquest into the Richardson Auditorium including the asbestos, the public exposure, the mold, the rental irregularities and alliances of preferential treatment.
· Should the above request be ignored we must question the motives.
· We ask for the Board to place Dr Carlos Garcia on Administrative leave pending the outcome of the litigation.
· We ask for the board to address the settlements involving Dr Garcia as evidence of impropriety and to respond accordingly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Anton S Haley
Kenedeno & Associates

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum at 12/20/2006 03:40:00 AM

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Fwd: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Mike Westergren in a Nutshell. Just for you Mike West.clawren@delmar.edu, csalas@delmar.edu, csnapka@delmar.edu, csulliv@delmar.edu, ctines@delmar.edu, cvillegas@delmar.edu, corpus_christi_watchdog_authority.email@blo

Hey open up the Public email system Mike Westergren. You have a whole faculty of intelligent souls to defend you.

Jaime Kenedeño <kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com> wrote:
From: Jaime Kenedeño <kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com>
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@yahoo.com
Subject: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Mike Westergren in a Nutshell. Just for you Mike West.
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:48:05 -0800 (PST)

Should Not DMC Pres. Carlos Garcia Be Placed On Administrative Leave?

7 Nov 2006 by dannoynted1
Westergren said. DMC President Dr. Carlos Garcia also confirmed Cox’s status. ... Neither Dr. Garcia nor Westergren could comment on the reasons for ... now be handled by Westergren, Garcia said. Westergren’s office is the East ...

Local Blog is a protected outlet for disgruntled visitors

19 Nov 2006 by dannoynted1
On one of these posts, an anonymous user charges in-house council Mike Westergren as being “corrupt.” The same user warns to “trust no one in authority at the college.” Westergren has not seen these posts, but says that sites like these ...

Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum: Dear Mike Westergren, I ...

1 Nov 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum: Dear Mike Westergren, I extend my hand out (in the in.

"You've Got Mail"

26 Oct 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Dear Mr Westergren, With all due respect to you and your clients Carlos Garcia & Ben L Blanco; please, by all means continue with the due process. ... Thank You for your input Mr Westergren! Sincerely, Jaime Kenedeno.

"We have intelligent people that know the right words to say to ...

15 Jun 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Mike Westergren, the college's in-house counsel in charge of overseeing the college's ... It's a serious thing to say but it's true," Westergren said. ... Westergren said none of the complainants completed the grievance or EEOC process ...

extend my hand out (in the interest of peace & resolution) to the ...

14 Jun 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Mr Westergren, can you please offer in example; to what are you specifically referring in the following? "Btw I have no problem with the idea of ... Mr Westergren has covered you guys a$$ way too long. The contract manipulation quid pro ...

Del Mar Board of Regents Meeting (Attention all Media Entities ...

25 Sep 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Mike Westergren and DMC Counsel are conflicted by representing Dr Garcia and the College simultaneously. Force Dr Garcia to defend himself; one day he will be your adversary and maybe even suing the college himself. ...

del mar college attorney westergren gets a bashing at ccct

10 Jul 2006 by DANNOYNTED1
and the only EEOC person teresa cox westergren himself put on "administrative leave"- paid vacation if you will now lets not forget howard karsh who has let many people including the ccct reporter Icess Fernandez and adriana garza!?! ...

Del Mar President Carlos Garcia, "opted not to renew the yearly ...

17 Aug 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Dear Mike Westergren, I extend my hand out (in the interest of peace & resolution) to the Del Mar Administration, Faculty, Staff & Board of Regents. Aug 15, 2006 Channel 6 Releases News Story Citing Released Travis County Court ...

citizensagainstcorruptjudges: Carl Lewis, Mike Westergren, Nueces ...

1 Jul 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
citizensagainstcorruptjudges: Carl Lewis, Mike Westergren, Nueces County Courthouse & DMC, "no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.

Nah! There aint nothin inapprpriate goin on at Del Mar College ...

15 Aug 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Del Mar's in-house counsel, Mike Westergren, declined an on-camera interview ... Westergren said he's worked with both Cox and Garcia and never saw a sign of ... According to Westergren, the matter is "still being handled internally. ...

The Caller is now officially "IN THE KNOW"! That Snowball is rolling!

7 Jul 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Mike Westergren is a corrupt b@stard. He has had several integrity reviews ... Westergren is a corrupt democrat and if you have ANY knowledge of how the court ... You can slurp Westergren all you want just b'coz he's a dem but only bad ...

Is this in retaliation for the scrutiny of late? Why now?

19 Aug 2006 by Jaime Kenedeño
Furthermore, it must be considered the relationship between the District Attorney, the office of the DA and Former Judge Mike Westergren (now in house counsel @ Del Mar College) and Joe Alaniz. Here is one of the letters. ...

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum at 12/17/2006 06:45:00 AM

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fwd: Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum: The published information herein, originates from sources and documents that are believed to be credible and in the public domain.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: J. F. Kenedeno <kenedenonews@gmail.com>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 12:22 AM
Subject: Fwd: Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum: The published information herein, originates from sources and documents that are believed to be credible and in the public domain.
To: mikewest@delmar.edu

Monday, November 20, 2006

The published information herein, originates from sources and documents that are believed to be credible and in the public domain.

posted by Jaime Kenedeño @ 5:05 AM   1 comments links to this post    


At 10:07 PM , Anonymous said...

Dear Kenedeno & Associates.

The Del Mar College Administration has chosen to censor your informative emails to our staff and faculty. It seems Mr Westergren and Mr Alaniz cannot deal with reality and the facts surrounding. The clique does not understand they cannot stop the media and that you and your associates will find a way to inform the public. I realize that we as taxpayers have no recourse but to put up with the abuse of power but with a little faith and some more of your brand of moxy the justice is forthcoming. There are many forums to escalate the information campaign. May I suggest the Caller Times & the Daily Kos? The Admin at DMC does not realize that you were attempting to address the DMCALL in a semi-private manor; now, by going to the Caller and the Daily Kos the whole world will learn of the disgusting and illegal conducted under the name DMC. Go get em TIGER!

Article: The published information herein, originates from sources and documents that are believed to be credible and in the public domain.

[Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Del Mar President Carlos Garcia, "opted not to renew the yearly contract for the former EEO officer, Ms. Theresa Cox"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeño < kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com >
Date: Aug 17, 2006 3:55 AM
Subject: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Del Mar President Carlos Garcia, "opted not to renew the yearly contract for the former EEO officer, Ms. Theresa Cox"
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com

The former EEO officer, Ms. Theresa Cox?

JK: The deception begins in the first sentence. Garcia, in his own words said, "her contract expires August 31, 2006" . So isn't she still under contract?

From: Carlos A Garcia carlosgarcia@delmar.edu
Date: Aug 16, 2006 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Nah! There aint nothin inappropriate goin on at Del Mar College. Right Adriana?
To: Jaime Kenedeno kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com
Cc: garzaa@caller.com

Hello Everyone,

As you may be aware, I opted not to renew the yearly contract for the former EEO officer, Ms. Theresa Cox.

JK: When did DMC President Dr. Carlos Garcia choose this option?

Sat, 15 Apr 2006

Theresa Cox — Del Mar College dean of Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action, Equity, Access and Compliance was placed on paid
administrative leave from the college after she and several students
made allegations that President Carlos Garcia of Del Mar made
sexually advances toward them. Before she was let go on this past
Tuesday (April 11,2006)
, Gabe Rivas- President of the Del Mar College Board of
Regents, got together with DMC President Carlos Garcia, Gambi Gamboa-
LULAC Council 1 member, and Henry Gorhorm- LULAC Council 1 member,
to make a deal.


Cox's administrative leave.

"Ms. Cox is on administrative

leave from the college, but we can't

reveal the details about her leave,"

Westergren said.

DMC President Dr. Carlos Garcia

also confirmed Cox's status.

"We do not want to hear rumors

that (Cox) was fired," Garcia said.

"Mrs. Cox is on administrative

leave and her contract expires on

Aug. 31, 2006," Garcia said. "DMC

has a restructuring of the administration,

and it is normal to have several

employees leave for several reasons,

such as retirement, offers for a new

employment or just moving out from

the city.

JK: By the time this article is published in the Foghorn, Gabriel Rivas and the Board of Regents are informed of the situation and the allegations against President Carlos Garcia.

JK: It is certainly valid to question the Board as to why Dr. Garcia has not been placed on Administrative leave as SOP mandates?

JK: Gabriel Rivas (en camera) represents and definitively concludes, when an employee is accused of Sexual Harassment; that employee is placed on Administrative leave.

JK: The Administrative Leave Requirement is an integral step in the Due Process and unequivocally applies to each employee the same. The act of discontinuing or modifying the JOB opportunities of one's accuser, is a blatant act of retaliation. In the protection of DMC (all) preventing retaliation is an obvious reason the Due Process requires the placement of the accused employee on administrative leave .

JK: Dr. Carlos Garcia's option to not renew the contract of Theresa Cox is indicative of a retaliatory or cover-up agenda. By no means can the decision be one of objectivity.

JK: Why do the DMC Board and In house Counsel "opt" to continue to thwart Due Process and violate DMC SOP?

JK: While SOP is practiced with a hard-handed adherence on the lower rungs of employees; it is conveniently ignored or exempted for a select group of insiders at the "untouchable echelons" of the DMC Yanqui Aristocracy.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The DMC Community Outreach Campaign

The Expose begins

Mr. Benitez answered a knock at the door to find a gunman, Francisco Perez, waiting for him.

The Attempted Capital Murder of Mr. Benitez

~July 10, 2006

Theresa Cox v Del Mar College filed in Travis County

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Court Documents Released on Kenedeno & Associates' website Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dear Mike Westergren, I extend my hand out (in the interest of peace & resolution) to the Del Mar Administration, Faculty, Staff & Board of Regents.

Aug 15, 2006 Channel 6 Releases News Story Citing Released Travis County Court Documents

Former Del Mar dean files suit against college

Aug 16, 2006 6:07 AM

Official Statement (per email)

From: Carlos A Garcia carlosgarcia@delmar.edu
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Nah! There aint nothin inappropriate goin on at Del Mar College. Right Adriana?
To: Jaime Kenedeno kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com
Cc: garzaa@caller

Aug 16, 2006 05:28 PM Channel 6 Releases

Del Mar president responds to lawsuit concerns

The basis for this action includes, but is not limited to, well documented incompetence, insubordination, and unprofessional conduct.

JK: For any whom are "In The Know" regarding Theresa Cox and Del Mar College; the above statement fully discredits Dr. Carlos Garcia and any who choose to support his agenda. He continues to discredit himself citing the "basis" for his "opting out" of the contract with Ms. Cox.

The basis for this action includes, but is not limited to, well documented incompetence, insubordination, and unprofessional conduct.

JK: We all know, this is a statement of incompetence not of Ms Cox but of the DMC President. The question in my mind is; how did he ever make it through high school with such voids of common sense? Theresa Cox is a very competent employee. Unprofessional would have been for her to continue to follow the directives of self-dealing and self-interest of her superiors. How did Ms. Cox ever ascend to the JOB if she had not the skills and attributes required. She got tired of covering up the BS created by the testosterone or mid life crisis' of the clique. That is when she suddenly became insubordinate.

A local television station aired a report that cast a negative light on my office regarding a lawsuit against the College. The allegations mentioned never occurred and I look forward to being fully vindicated. This is an attempt by an individual to discredit our institution while fleecing the taxpayers of Corpus Christi.

JK: Dr. Garcia you are the one who bring the negative light upon your office. Vindication is something you can look forward to; but the evidence will only be more forthcoming should you choose to fight in bad faith.

JK: Fleecing?

JK: Carlos Garcia and Gabriel Rivas are the ones who are fleecing the taxpayers. Dr Garcia's personal counsel (at this time) is funded by DMC. Dr. Garcia needs to retain his own attorney. Both Dr Garcia And Regent Gabriel Rivas continue to poison and infect the DMC institution. Lies, Usurping the Due Process and Abuse of Power are all viable charges that have destroyed the lives of human beings with whom these crooks were entrusted. It is time for change.

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum at 8/17/2006 05:44:00 AM

Kenedeno & Associates

Fwd: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] maybe you could take a deep breath and digest a few truths that hurt a little

Subject: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] maybe you could take a deep breath and digest a few truths that hurt a little
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com

[http://dannoynted1.blogspot.com/2005/12/corpus-christi-caller-times-quashed.html ]

Elwood do you remember when.....
Posted on June 22, 2006 at 07:31:32 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

Del Mar College Double Standards - "Where Dreams become Nightmares"

dubble - 07:22pm Aug 27, 2005 Central

After reading many postings on this website for the past several months, I have decided to post concerning the topic of Del Mar Administrators and the way they continually use the systems to bypass addressing the real problems. When Del Mar College officials make the entire process of a grieving for student an ordeal within itself then something is definitely wrong. When Del Mar College Attorney tries to downplay the instances which are reported and mis-inform the public or slant the facts in a way that makes Del Mar College look like they are "investigating" and "looking into" all reports of incorrect conduct, that is WRONG. Del Mar College has the accused, the attorneys, the investigators, and the eeoc representatives all eating lunch together. We have the people being investigated broadcasting the accusers name across campus until other students come to Mr. Accused rescue. We have witnesses, recordings, and transcripts which were excluded because they were not a "fit" for the Del Mar Administration's agenda. We have board rules which were not followed but yet no discipline action was taken. NO Authority, No punishment, No Protection of Students, No Protection of Other faculty. IT ISN"T WRIGHT!

I Am Whom I Am - 07:27pm Aug 27, 2005 Central (#1 of 37) No it isn't, obviously the usual is occuring, make the accusers look incompetent so not enough people that even hear about such will take them seriously.. I would take a step back and regroup if I were them and define anothe method to ensure justice is served.

dubble - 07:32pm Aug 27, 2005 Central

(#2 of 37) Ok - you are who you are - IT ISN"T RIGHT! Intimidation, lack of action and denial. What we have here is a faculty who will never convict one of their own. Famous Quote: "I have tenure, I will never be fired from Del Mar College." Oh yeah - Mr. Accused  might also have Alzheimer's disease. I invite Ms. Icess Fernandez to ask any appropriate questions to get "the rest of the story." You sound like you may be part of the conspiracy. Oh yeah. One more thing. If the Del Mar College would just acknowledge the wrong that was done and apologize the issue would be settled. You are correct, the usual is being done. The guilty are moving behind the scenes, changing grades, giving scholarships, hiring and sponsoring other students to protect themselves. Great news that you can see right through it. Ok Popeye!

Jaime Kenedeno - 07:38pm Aug 27, 2005 Central (#3 of 37)

Are you the Knight in Shining Armor? I knew chivalry still existed! And the Caller Just printed that story cuz there is no evidence? The proof is already there in black and white! It is Read all over!

dubble - 07:44pm Aug 27, 2005 Central (#4 of 37)

Oh what's this - looks like another grievance. Sounds like words from a guilty soul!

Elwood Blues - 08:33pm Aug 27, 2005 Central (#5 of 37) "If tyranny and oppression come to this land,it will be guise of "fighting a foreign enemy"..James Madison

IAM.."dubble" is Jaime..or his equally batty wife. If you're going to change screen names in a foolish attempt to try to deceive people,Jaime..at least be smart enough to misspell different words than the ones you always do. Honestly,dude..for a mental case..you're entirely too predictable.

dubble - 08:45pm Aug 27, 2005 Central (#6 of 37)

Hey Elwood, maybe you should do a little more research before you start trying to make assumptions. Anyhow - Mr. Blues maybe you could take a deep breath and digest a few truths that hurt a little. Swallow your pride and assume nothing. Don't give me the benefit of any doubt and don't trust anything I say. Please do your own research for your own agenda. And please don't address me and say that I am somebody else - I am not Jaime. I am not Jaime's wife. I am not you either. So - Please just reply to the content. If you can stick to the issues (unless you have an attention problem) please respond with facts as you know them. Maybe you try to read what people are saying instead of being an English teacher. I have no problem with somebody correcting my grammar or spelling, however those are small issues. The real issues in this situation are much more important than the mis-spelling of a few words. "When somebody lies - somebody looses!" ~ Nemo on El Defenzor

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum at 6/22/2006 04:15:00 PM

Kenedeno & Associates

Kenedeno & Associates

The Real Reason Howard Karsh was not allowed to speak at the Regents meeting 12/12/06

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeño <kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com >
Date: Sep 1, 2006 1:32 AM
Subject: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] H Karsh: "If they can get away with getting rid of Theresa Cox, they can probably get rid of anyone"
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com

My name is Howard Karsh. I am running for the Board of Regents District 5. You all know me. I took on Joe Alaniz over safety and health violations in Richardson Auditorium in 1998-99. Than I started doing some research and found although the community was being told in the budget documents that the auditorium had a budget, it was siphoned off for non-auditorium purposes with no explanation to me the manager and that is why the auditorium had sunk so deeply into disrepair. They did get rid of me (it took five years) and it had nothing to do with the lies orchestrated by Pat Townsend, another name that should be on that list of corrupt, incompetent, administrators. Lets all remember that the administration could not get away with this without the knowledge of the Board of Regents. In this coming election you need to kick out all the incumbent regents and don't elect the "good old boys." I know that many of you did not like Theresa Cox. She told me straight from the beginning that her job was not to protect me. Even so, she knew that attacking employees and violating their rights was not in the best interests of the College. She was trapped in the corruption and her knowledge of the law. Theresa did a good job in correcting the stupid and incompetent things that Alaniz and Rivas did with respect to getting rid of me. Alaniz put in writing in a rough draft to me that I was being put on administrative leave and that my contract would not be renewed. This document was dated before I received a performance appraisal and before any investigation was to be done into the complaints against me. This would have been my official notice that I was being put on administrative leave and proof I was being setup. Theresa pointed out that Alaniz was violating policy by stating up front in essence that my contract would not be renewed without following the than policy. It would have helped me that these documents were in my files uncovered under freedom of information. In the end there never was an investigation and Gabe Rivas was involved in the conspiracy against me from the beginning. Jose Rivera wrote a false performance appraisal that did not follow the PA policy and basically in some places had my employee Meredith appraising me without allowing me a rebuttal or due process, or the opportunity to confront my accusers, etc. etc. If they can get away with getting rid of Theresa Cox, they can probably get rid of anyone. You all need to go to her aid. I was protected under the Whistleblowers Act and it didn't help me. What I needed was about a $100,000 to pay the lawyers. You need someone on the Board that has some guts and ethics and I think I proved that I do.

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum at 9/01/2006 02:30:00 AM

Kenedeno & Associates

Fwd: [Coup D' Maitre] Nueces County Jail Delayed

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeno <kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com >
Date: Nov 6, 2006 9:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: [Coup D' Maitre] Nueces County Jail Delayed
To: Comrade Kelley <greatblueheron777@yahoo.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: J. F. Kenedeno <kenedenonews@gmail.com>
Date: Nov 6, 2006 6:53 AM
Subject: Fwd: [Coup D' Maitre] Nueces County Jail Delayed
To: "Mikal C. Watts" <mcwatts@wattslawfirm.com >

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeño < kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com >
Date: Nov 6, 2006 6:12 AM
Subject: [Coup D' Maitre] Nueces County Jail Delayed
To: kenedenonews@gmail.com

We at Kenedeno & Associates apologize if this Documentary Dossier' offends. We certainly encourage anyone who disputes or challenges anything written in this Article to rebut / respond. The Links contain more in depth information. To find the specific reference click the link and use the edit find tool entering the phrase or word you wish to find. Also a simple Google search of any of the referred to entities will support the position this publication maintains.

The Nueces County Jail / Federal Prisoner Removal was a Political Smear and a total Sham directed at Larry Olivarez and Mikal Watts at the expense of Nueces County

It is this Publication's objective to prove the above statement.

All submissions are posted regardless of position or standing.

Now, to the heart of the matter; the "Shamsie Tick" FKA the "Shamsie Clique" Network of Avarice and Fiscal Loophole Specialties.

Dear Mr. Shamsie,

It is ironic how you entered the Body of Christ via Robstown. You pinched and cut, denied and fired, released and demoted your supporters their families and the community they inspired to elect you. A bang up JOB you performed with fiscal expediency and without one drop of loyalty (except in the end to your cronies).

Mr. Boss of Bosses, Jefe de Jefes, or fiscal deconstructionists (creative accountant); history has proved you a frugal man however one must question the oddball choices of highballin contractors (DOS Logistics & Omega Contracting) without a bid process. It turns out they are your cronies and you knew your days were numbered. Who are they one might ask? They are: Rene Rodriguez, George Finley (CC Distributors), Jaime Capelo, Terry Shamsie, Mack Rodriguez (Rainbow Building), Oscar Ortiz, Mike Rendon, Lencho Rendon and others to be defined. This faction of Politicos, presently are working within the Solomon Machine while biding their time. In the past, this faction has attempted to undermine and overthrow Congressman Ortiz. Randy Delay works under the Blessing of Solomon Grande.

DOS Logistics & Omega Contracting Inc.-

Yet, the county is paying three times the customary rate for engineering and inspection services, according to engineers in government and private practice.Instead of assigning the county's staff engineer to handle the project, Nueces County Judge Terry Shamsie negotiated $7.6 million for engineering with Omega Contracting Inc. and $7.95 million for inspection with DOS Logistics, as the county revamps 280 miles of mostly flat, straight, narrow, non-shouldered rural roadway. , Source: CCCT,

DOS Logistics' registered agent is Eric Chin and the company is based in Weslaco, according to records from the Texas Secretary of State. Corpus Christi businessman George Finley said he started the company in 1999 to pursue minority contracts and that he no longer owns it. Source: CCCT
DeLay did legal work
Randy DeLay, a Houston lawyer and lobbyist, whose brother is U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, was the company's registered agent when it was incorporated in 1999. Finley said Randy DeLay's only role with DOS Logistics was handling the legal work of incorporating the company for Finley.Last year, Shamsie and County Commissioner Oscar Ortiz unsuccessfully sought to award DeLay a $1.2 million contract to lobby on behalf of local military installations. Source: CCCT

Texas Secretary of State records indicate that Omega Contracting is based in Dallas and belongs to Luis Spinola. Spinola also owns Azteca Enterprises. Both firms are described on their Web site as contractors that seek government contracts set aside for minorities. Source: CCCT

Public Private Strategies-

Randy DeLay, owner of Public Private Strategies Consult, Inc, said he told Nueces County Judge Terry Shamsie and his assistant, Tyner Little, that his firm was withdrawing its proposal to represent the area. Source: CCCT

Last year, Shamsie and County Commissioner Oscar Ortiz unsuccessfully sought to award DeLay a $1.2 million contract to lobby on behalf of local military installations. Source: CCCT

Regional Transportation Authority Board Chairman Miguel Rendon (Lencho Rendon's Brother) said politics may be the undercurrent motivating two city councilmen who were critical this week of plans to put a rail trolley in downtown Corpus Christi.
Source: CCCT
Rendon said he suspects City Councilmen Rex Kinnison and Brent Chesney voiced opposition to the trolley because the City Council secretly did not want the RTA to renew a $120,000 contract in January with lobbyist Randy DeLay's company, Private Public Strategy Consulting. DeLay is the brother of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Republican from Sugar Land. Source: CCCT

The Correction Corporations of America (CCA)-

Private Prison-Industrial complex such as the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the GEO Group (formerly known as Wackenhut), Correctional Services Corporation (CSC) and Correctional Medical Services.,

The Federal Prison Lobby Bureau of Prisons-
Randy DeLay, the brother of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), lobbied the Bureau of Prisons to send its prisoners to RCDC [Reeves County Detention Facility], at the behest of county officials. Randy DeLay isn't the only member of his family with an interest in corrections. In December, Rep. DeLay accepted a $100,000 check from the CCA for the DeLay Foundation for Kids.,

Does anybody remember the April Primary and the Robstown Private Prison Contractor (LCS) Leverage of Public Opinion that affected the election?

Political ad could alter deal
Nonetheless, the company's owners fired off statements Tuesday and Wednesday through lawyer Tonya Webber questioning why they were being pulled into the political fray and refusing to comment to "rumors or allegations that the negative campaign" had jeopardized the company's plans for the facility.
"LCS Company officials will not respond to questions regarding whether the company will change its plans to build a corrections facility in Nueces County," Webber said. "They will not make that decision until after next Tuesday's election."
Commissioner Betty Jean Longoria said it would be unfortunate if the political ad kills the project. Source: CCCT

CAMPAIGN MUD BEING SLUNG HARDCompany officials refused to comment on whether the ad has now jeopardized the plans to build the corrections facility, saying it might unfairly impact the election.
Source: CCCT
Lencho Rendon was Pete Alvarez's Political Consultant.
Source: Brownsville Herald

Lencho is allied in business with Randy Delay.

Why would the Louisiana Contractor (Robstown Federal Prison Project) side against a candidate of Lencho Rendon?

Was Lencho squeezed?

WATT were Lencho's intentions regarding Pete Alvarez?

Who wanted to eliminate Alvarez for a candidate they could or thought they could control?

Is that candidate Jimmy Rodriguez or Jim Kaelin?

Is there any truth that Kaelin is being courted (or has received campaign donations) from WATT Democrat?

WATT could Shamsie and Delay (with his Federal Lobby influence) do to affect the Federal Prisoner Removal?

DeLay's company is paid to conduct federal lobbying

Caller-Times reporter Brad Olson wrote that Randy DeLay, through his Washington connections, would have pressed for the appointment of a BRAC commissioner who would be favorably disposed to South Texas bases. Source: CCCT

RTA chairman Mike Rendon and board members Roland Barrera and Joe Benavides said they are pleased with DeLay's lobbying progress. Source: CCCT"I think his strong point is that he knows the members on the Senate and the House," Rendon said. "If you hired me as a lobbyist, I don't have the contacts that he has in the upper echelon of committee members. That is where the influence comes." Source: CCCT

WATT initiated the scrutiny was the abuse of a Political Familia from Robstown. In the past, the Nueces County Jail Conditions have never been an issue. The Jail became an issue only after the scheme to railroad $1.2 million to lobbyist Randy Delay's company Private Public Strategy Consulting was derailed.

Last year, Shamsie and County Commissioner Oscar Ortiz unsuccessfully sought to award DeLay a $1.2 million contract to lobby on behalf of local military installations.

"County Commissioner Betty Jean Longoria said Shamsie was "the driving force" behind the two contracts (DOS Logistics & Omega Contracting Inc). Shamsie recommended the two firms to the commissioners, she said.She said she was anxious to get the project moving because a majority of the roads in need of work are in her precinct and at the time she did not notice that she was never shown any qualifications for either firm, she said."
Source: CCCT

BRACC, BREAK or BROKE while sacrificing our "money maker" (the Nueces County Jail) was no longer a dilemma for a Lame Duck Nueces County Constitutional Judge (Terry already knew he wasn't coming back) to invoke the Federal Marshal's into his vendetta with Mikal Watts and Larry Olivarez. One phone call to Randy and the Bureau of Prisons went to work.

Was / is Randy Delay with the support of Solomon Grande our Nueces County insider connection to the Federal Prison Lobby?

The RCDC is a private-public partnership in more ways than one. Randy DeLay, the brother of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R–Tex.), lobbied the Bureau of Prisons to send its prisoners to RCDC, at the behest of county officials.Randy DeLay isn't the only member of his family with an interest in corrections. In December, Rep. DeLay accepted a $100,000 check from the CCA for the DeLay Foundation for Kids.

The Awards (evidenced by Larry Olivarez) and the Federal Prisoner occupancy dividend was never a problem until after the $1.2 Million to DELAY was denied.

For a fellow who conducts his business out of the glare of publicity, Randy DeLay has a way of popping up in headlines - and generating controversies - in these parts.
Source: CCCTLast May, DeLay, the lobbyist (and brother of U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay), came into the spotlight when Nueces County Judge Terry Shamsie tried (but failed) to convince his colleagues on the Commissioners Court support retaining his lobbying services. Source: CCCT

WHO wanted the Nueces County Jail to be a problem right in the middle of the County Leadership Races?

Randy DeLay was hired to help Reeves County lobby to get more federal inmates from the federal Bureau of Prisons & Reinstate employees JOBS Source: CCCT

Who crashed in during the Primary from Louisiana with concerns about the building of a Private Prison?

"I remember Lencho telling me that his ideal dream team (to help BND) would be (lobbyist) Randy DeLay, (Monterrey consult-ant) Esther Rodriguez and 'Madam Ping,'" Lasseigne said.

A Dream Team of Randy Delay Lobbying in Washington, Solomon Sr. nicely positioned on the House Arms Services Committee and his influential "friends" such as Congressman Ike Skelton, the distract and the DELAY side JOB Lobby at the Federal Bureau of Prisons / CCA / Private Prison Profiteering CON. The Daytime JOB is the Defense Contractor Ocean Shipholdings

Total Defense Contracts, 1998-2003: $1,094,875,569

Ocean Shipholdings Inc. builds, repairs and operates ocean-going marine vessels. Over the past six years, the company ranked as the Pentagon's second-largest provider of marine transportation of equipment.

Many contract dollars are classified as going to a small business or small disadvantaged business (minority-owed, etc.). Set-aside contracts are reserved for small businesses; large companies cannot compete for them.
According to records from the Texas Secretary of State. Corpus Christi businessman George Finley said he started DOS Logistics in 1999 to pursue minority contracts


Campaign Contributions

Top Recipients
Democratic Party Committees
Rep Solomon P Ortiz (D-TX)
Rep Gene Green (D-TX)
President George W Bush (R)
Rep Ike Skelton (D-MO)
Rep Richard A Gephardt (D-MO)
Republican Party Committees
Sen Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
Rep Ken Bentsen (D-TX)
Rep Chris Bell (D-TX)
Rep Tom DeLay (R-TX)
Rep John Culberson (R-TX)
Sen John Cornyn (R-TX)
Sen Ted Stevens (R-AK)
Rep Don Young (R-AK)
Rep Henry Bonilla (R-TX)
Rep Jerry Lewis (R-CA)
Rep Norman D Dicks (D-WA)
Rep Martin Frost (D-TX) $1,000

Rep Helen Delich Bentley (R-MD) $1,000 The Center for Public Integrity has instituted an improved methodology to compute lobbying figures in order to produce the most accurate possible totals. For up-to-date lobbying information calculated with the revised methodology please see the Center's LobbyWatch site.

With the Shamsie Dream Team, the Nueces County housing Federal Prisoners was never an issue, not even when the Mold Contamination was an issue were Federal Marshalls involved. Evidently, the Mold remains even though the Commissioners Court and Shamsie never addressed it (or did they ignore it?).

"These are not Democrat issues. These are not Republican issues." These are Nueces County issues

The Caller Times and mainly Jaime Powell has informed us all along of the elements referred to in this work product. We at Kenedeno & Associates attempt to compile, organize and put in plain words a meaningful testimony.

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Coup D' Maitre at 11/06/2006 04:09:00 AM

Kenedeno & Associates

Kenedeno & Associates

Fwd: [Political Pulse] We've (Del Mar College Community) got far too many coverups that are occuring

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeño <kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com >
Date: Nov 14, 2006 10:51 PM
Subject: [Political Pulse] We've (Del Mar College Community) got far too many coverups that are occuring
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com


CORPUS CHRISTI - Taxpayers and faculty at Del Mar College put the Board of Regents in the hot seat Tuesday, demanding an administrative change. And college president, Dr. Carlos Garcia, had a few words to say about the situation.
Questions concerning the administration's actions on a student government event that got out of hand made front page headlines in Del Mar's student newspaper. That was just one of the topics causing a rough start to the monthly Board of Regents meeting.

"We've got far too many coverups that are occuring," Del Mar professor, Jerry Sansing, said.

Sansing was one of three Del Mar professors who faced the board and Garcia during the public comments portion of the meeting, expressing disagreement with how the pending sexual harassment lawsuits involving Garcia are being handled. The professors accused the board of not acting in the best interest of the students.
"I have considered what devilish forces might be at work to produce this sorry state of affairs, and certainly among them, I include the managerial routine at the upper levels of administration in the college," another professor, Ken Weatherbie, said.
But Garcia had an opinion, as well.
"We have a handful of individuals in the community, who are just very much interested in tearing this community college down," Garcia said. "Again, I apologize for those individuals, especially our staff, who chose to divulge private information and be very destructive."
In closed session, the board was also set to discuss the employment, evaluation and reassignment of Garcia, but no action was taken.
6 news learned that Garcia's three-year contract ends next June. He is up for a semi-annual evaluation in January. The four new board memers will be sworn in on Tuesday.

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Political Pulse at 11/14/2006 08:44:00 PM

Kenedeno & Associates

Not even one peep (re:identity). Ask Blanco why Kenedeno & Associates are here

Is it true you guys are tapping my phone?

Is this legal?

Did Greenwell sign the warrant?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: Not even one peep (re:identity). Ask Blanco why Kenedeno & Associates are here
To: bblanco@delmar.edu, ecohn@delmar.edu, mikewest@delmar.edu
Cc: Jaime Kenedeno < kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaime Kenedeño < kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13@hotmail.com >
Date: Oct 3, 2006 12:57 AM
Subject: [Jorge Rangel] Dreams of Elaborate (elastic) Policies and Shifting Sands of Due Process. How many "DUBBLE TALKS" can you find in the Paragraphs Below?
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com

[http://delmarhousekeeping.blogspot.com/2006/10/watt-will-happen-2-morrow-regents.html ]

The Response Article to this should be entertaining.

Mike Westergren should recuse as well. Will the Regents heed our words?

Probably not.

Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum: WATT will happen 2 morrow @ the Regents Meeting with CG who LOVES TA. Also, there is an individual (per Cox v. DMC) Who's Welfare is Threatened

Posted by Jaime Kenedeño to Jorge Rangel at 10/03/2006 12:03:00 AM

Kenedeno & Associates

Kenedeno & Associates

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fwd: Dear Ed Cohn ....

Please forward to Regents.


Dear Ed Cohn and Distinguished Faculty Members and you to Mike, CG and the like

Subject: Update on Law Suits Involving Sexual Misconduct Against the President.

Ed: Sadly, our concerns that Professor Olson and his associates would continue to
try to embarrass Del Mar have been proven yet again.


JK: This is not an embarrassment to Del Mar but only the expose of a few Del Mar Yanquis.



Ed Cohn: Professors Olson and Samsing went on KRIS and reported that Del Mar had failed to fully investigate an SGA off-campus scandal.


JK: First of all it is Dr Sansing not Samsing but we will forgive the typo. Second, if this Del Mar College / SGA / Select Faculty / President CGTA / In House Counsel Approved Event at Port Royal would have been conducted properly there would be nothing to report and nothing to investigate. Now that being said, we all know this attaches to the "adults" who were aware and present whether they they partook of the vices or not; they all played a part. Here are some answers Mr Cohn.


Why was the investigation conducted in an unwholesome manner, overlooking the sexual acts that are now well documented regarding only a bare minimum of partakers?


Why were select students singled out when there were many who were equally responsible?


Why was there no resolution within DMC (EEOC or Administration).


Were students expelled so as to cover up further culpability of the "adults" in attendance. Donna Strong's letter conveys her self serving message as we all know she is a little angel. Was Carlos Garcia in attendance? Was Mike Westergren in attendance? Did Carlos Garcia ask Joseph Ramirez any questions? Was Jose Rivera in attendance?


These are serious issues Mr Cohn.


Is that why we send our youth to Del Mar College, so they can learn how to do things halfway? Or is it so they can have their "due process" thwarted? Or......? I am sure you get the message.


Your lament is very disingenuous and obsequious in nature no doubt.



Ed: This SGA event apparently occurred about a year ago
and was investigated by Jose Rivera, VPSD. Then EEO Teresa Cox was also
involved. The implication is that the investigation was truncated because Del
Mar, under the current President, allows sexual harassment.


This comment from a Del Mar Housekeeping Anonymous Input source regarding the Del Mar College / SGA / Select Faculty / President CGTA / In House Counsel Approved Event at Port Royal.

The most important point has been missed concerning this Del Mar thing. All student groups have college authorized advisors. They are supposed to be there to monitor and chaperon these events. The details of what happened in November, to my knowledge, did not come forward until January. What took so long? Why didn't the advisors stop all this stuff at the time? It seems to me that the advisors have a lot to answer for and other head should have rolled here?

Where were the advisors when all this was going on?

Why are those advisors still working at Del Mar College?

Why were they let off the hook?


JK: The Del Mar College / SGA / Select Faculty / President CGTA / In House Counsel Approved Event at Port Royal occurred November 2005. This story was Nationally Recognized and published by MSNBC and Mr Cohn beckons as to whose credibility? So why was the investigation truncated Mr Cohn? And say Ms Cox was involved; we have all witnessed the documentation here and here with Ms Cox acting in adverse interest to the students and the due process. Was the DMC EEO Officer acting independently or under directives from Admin and In House Counsel? From the documents it is clear she was not acting in the interest of JUSTICE. And while it comes to my mind the question must be asked, "why is this situation happening (with regularity) at DMC and not at TAMUK or TAMUCC". Why is this crap happening while a common group has retained control?


Ed: You can also expect to see a Foghorn article tomorrow concerning the release of
a Baker/Box report for the Regent's of the Administration's conduct with regard
to Teresa Cox's employment. I do not know what the Foghorn will report, but I
have placed a call to the editor, Ms. Edwards.


JK: The "Baker / BOX Report" Mr Cohn???


And I suppose you are going to claim to have read this report as well?


Ed: A few weeks ago, the Olson group wanted the President removed from office
because he personally was accused of sexual harassment. Let's go through the
status of the law suits that allege this:

JK: Mr Cohn, we asked for Del Mar President Carlos Garcia to be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigations.


Ed: 1. The Lopez case. Despite repeated reports that Ms. Lopez wore a wire and "had"
the President, the tape was never produced for trial. The suit appears likely to
be settled at its nuisance value, if that. Anyone who doubts the paucity of the
accusation needs to go the Federal Court and read the statements of the Federal
Judge in granting the individual defendants summary judgment.


JK: Nuisance Value Mr Cohn? If the statements of the Judge were so damning to the Plaintiff's; why would the defendant's give them one cent? A settlement is an admission of guilt and is usually to prevent the meat and potatoes of a case from public scrutiny. There is also a very valid question as to the fact that Mike Westergren is a former Judge and you can figure out from that point. Is the Judge performing in a quasi jurisdictional interest as Judge and Jury as well? I question the integrity of anyone who reads the Court Documents and can still deny there is a viable issue at hand. And remember that depo of Gabe Rivas? The voters seen right through all of the rhetoric and voted him out. That is from the Federal Courthouse. I am sure there is a plethora in the accusations Mr Cohn.


Ed: 2. The Foghorn article about the Lopez (and Benitez) cases (the cases were split
for trial), last week. The attorney for the two accusers says that they were
"satisfied" with the settlements. It is not because of the size of the
settlement. The dismissal of the individual counts insures that the judge was
not impressed with the evidence that the accusers had.


JK: Mr Cohn, you exclaim, "It is not because of the size of the settlement." as if you know the amount? And you probably have not even considered these victims just want this to be over with? That figures. The Judge is wrong. The Judge is supposed to remain impartial and eventually allow the arguments to be presented to a Jury of 12 (barring a bench trial).


Ed: 3. The Cox allegation. The Baker report to the Regents clears the President of
any actual sexual harassment or intentional wrongdoing. It is critical of the
timing of the non-renewal of Ms. Cox.



JK: Have you read the Baker / BOX report Mr Cohn? No way sir. Maybe if there was such a report you might have read it, but there is no DMC Baker Box report. Also, at DMC when you speak of incompetence and Ms Cox, everybody knows who is the incompetent one; not to mention zero credibility.


Ed: 4. The Parker case. Attorney Heil, the same attorney who was unable to find any
wrongdoing in the Lopez and Benitez cases, is Ms. Parker's attorney in a law
suit filed outside of Del Mar. We should not be trying this case by "tfac"; it
is clear however Ms. Parker has clear ties to Jaime Kenedeno, assuming he is
Mr. Haley, the brother of the "friend" of the accuser of a respected faculty
member; recall that these charges were found to be totally false.


JK: Mr Cohn you claim, "Ms. Parker has clear ties to Jaime Kenedeno"; please by all means elaborate. For the record, we do not know Ms Parker but we have obtained the Police Report detailing the acts of DMC President Carlos Garcia while he was a Biology instructor at DMC.



Part II

Ed: In summary, 2 of the 3 cases are in the process of clearing the President. As we
know, the legal system is not a thing of beauty but it will work

JK: Settling out of court for an undisclosed settlement is indicative of the President's tenure and his diverse relationship with the now multi tiered Del Mar College faculty, foundation, outsourcing and network if you will. How much was the official settlement amount?


Ed: Stripped of their ability to make the case against the President directly, Jaime
Kenedeno was the first to shift the argument. He reported ? Some big mistakes
were made in the Sexual Harassment investigations against (a faculty member)
according to Theresa Cox." (Caution, I have not seen any evidence of Ms. Cox
having said this). The important point is that Ms. Cox was the lead
investigator and found no basis for any of the charges, in a report she signed.

JK: Hey Ed, I don't know where you have been but it is well documented; my original conflict with Del Mar College. "Ben Blanco brought me into your world". Nothing has ever shifted, however the information has since, been stacked up and sifted. And the quote from above was copied from the Caller Times Forum Online and it is linked back to the original publication so do your homework lest you prove yourself as you just did. I believe Theresa Cox makes things crystal clear as to her signature (un-coerced).

Everybody (@DMC knows about the abuse of this position. Must we hash through it Mr. Cohn?

Ed: It now appears Prof. Olson is making the same argument: OK, so the President did
not do anything wrong himself, but he wasn't diligent in upholding EEO.

JK: There are many credible facts to go along with the argument Ed. Let's see if I can name a few right of the bat; The Covered Up of the DMC / SGA / T-fac adm / IHC / CG&TA / SEX ……….

There is a settlement. Ed calls it a Nuisance Value, whatever your flavor Mr Cone a settlement is a settlement. If it is such a small pittance then why don't you pay it personally? Why should the voters pay for Carlos Garcia's indiscretions or his lawsuit magnetism or his ineptitude as DMC President. The owner needs sell and the team needs to find a new general manager.

There is another settlement.

And another settlement.

Simple facts Ed.

Ed: This is simply not true. The President has acted quickly where he perceived actual
harassment. Further, the SGA was investigated by VPSA Rivera; so far as I know,
no one has ever accused him of any impropriety of action.

JK: Ed, you have said so many times you believe it? Nah, you cant possibly believe that nonsense of a cheer. But nice brown nosing nonetheless, Man,….now CG make sure you credit Mr Cohn with those brownie points cuz he sure did give it that "ole college try".


Ed: The false accusation that Del Mar does not care about sexual harassment, because
it replaced its EEO officer is (1) untrue; (2) harmful to DM if publicized by a
respected member of the faculty on TV (we all understand Bruce's hyperbole and
don't take it seriously, but the public does not understand and will be
mislead); and (3) best left to the courts.

JK: Dude you should have stopped while you were only brown nosing, no you are attacking a whistle blower and his lively hood.

Ed: At this point, Professor Olson and his associates have discredited themselves as
dispassionate contributors. They clearly seek to embarrass to win what I assume
for now they believe to be a righteous cause. In order for Professor Olson to
begin to regain the credibility he once had, he needs to:
JK: Mr Olson has aligned with the students and in the interest of integrity. His credibility is his and I nor you can remove it from him for revealing the Port Royal SGA fiasco coverup.

Heed the advice form Dr David D Kurz.


I can only assume your email was generated as a result of the recent opinions that a few staff have been posting and verbally expressing. Let's put this in the perspective of a psychologist. A child complains. The parent says, "Shut up or I'll put you up for adoption." (That never works, by the way. But let?s say that it does in this case.) The kid stops complaining out of fear of going to a strange family. Now the parent says, "My child must like it. He isn't complaining, is he?" Problem of complaining solved. Your analogy is good but not complete, the College will have more to say on this in the days to come. Psychologists have what we believe is a better solution. Does anyone care to hear it? Absolutely!

Inactive hide details for David D. Kurz/delmar David D. Kurz/delmar


JK: The Dr is right on target with his assessment. So was Guadalupe Rangel's assessment.

Ed: Sorry to have to write this.

Back to the classroom.

Ed Cohn

JK: See what I mean? Now, it appears you have just wet yourself.